Webinar: What is the Future of Microfinance?

 In News, Press

What is the future of microfinance? On Tuesday, October 20, 2020, join Grassroots’ Managing Director Paul DiLeo, CGAP’s CEO Greta Bull, the IFC’s Global Head of Microfinance Momina Aijazuddin, PAMIGA’s founder and Managing Director Renée Chao-Beroff, CEO of Catalyze Global Impact Jennifer Isern, Chairman and CEO of LIPAM International Ira Lieberman, and the Managing Director of the Financial Access Initiative Timothy Ogden. The panelists, who were also contributors to the recently published the Future of Microfinance, will explore lessons from the past and discuss challenges and opportunities that new trends in digital finance present for microfinance institutions.

For more information on the webinar please click here, and to register, please click here.